As long as humankind has looked up at the sky, we’ve questioned whether there are others out there like us. Mathematics enabled us to get into space, but statistics point to a…
Multiple countries plan to return humans to the Moon more than half a century since American astronauts landed there. These plans include intriguing opportunities for advances in…
Words shape how we think and view the world. We often believe the words we’ve inherited from scientific achievements are accurate pictures of how things are, but a lot of…
Fifty years ago, paleontologists discovered the 3.2 million-year-old skeleton of a diminutive ancestor of modern humans who towers over our understanding of human origins. They…
In 25 years, emojis have grown from 176 characters to about 4,000, reflecting the demand for more diverse and expressive symbols in digital communication. The future of these…
Among the many things the Roaring ’20s were known for was the rise of organized, violent crime. And there were hardly any mob bosses more notorious than Al “Scarface” Capone.…
It’s been called “The Golden Age of Serial Murder.” What caused the spike in numbers, and why are serial killings now on the decline? Experts propose some answers.
When it comes to true crime, the cliché says ‘it’s always the husband.’ But, like an Agatha Christie novel, the 1988 murder of middle-aged mother Peggy Carr defied all…
The Tylenol Murders of 1982 terrified a nation and forever changed the way we consume medications and other products. But will justice ever be served for the victims and their…
For more than 150 years, medieval Christian knights sailed and marched to the Holy Land in hope of wresting control from Muslim rulers. Despite their undeniable zeal, the…
Confucius, Socrates, and Buddha lived in different parts of the world around the same time 2,500 years ago. They are revered for their philosophies, but what did they want us to…
Each of us is a citizen of one country or another. The concept has developed since ancient Athens created the first known democracy. But what does it mean to be a citizen in…
In Central Asia, more than 2,000 years ago, a nomadic people called the Scythians roamed the steppe. Shifting tribal alliances made conflict inevitable, and women were as likely…
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What happens when one’s monumental scientific achievement results in cataclysmic death? “Father of the bomb,” Robert Oppenheimer, was deeply troubled about the consequences of his…
For our monthly “Editor’s Choice” documentary, we turn our attention to a gripping view of three prominent African Americans – Muhammad Ali, Gordon Parks, and Malcolm X – who…
Sir David Attenborough has spent his life revealing the wonders of nature to millions of television viewers. Now, he has embarked on an urgent mission to help ensure the survival…
Are you ready to find out which titles were the most popular on MagellanTV in 2023? Here are the winners in our top categories: Space & Science, War & Military, History, True…
Interested in colonizing the Moon? The reality may be sooner than you expect. Here are five scientific advances designed to help us live in an alien environment, from 3D housing…
NASA has launched a space race among U.S. companies to be the first with a presence in lower Earth orbit or the first since 1972 to land humans on the Moon. Could a ‘space…
The Solar System took billions of years to evolve into the stable arrangement of planets and other celestial bodies orbiting our Sun. And it has billions of years ahead of it.
The Space Race of the mid-20th century grew out of the ideological Cold War between the U.S. and the U.S.S.R. The Soviets surprised the world with Sputnik, the first satellite…
Organizers of the 1936 Berlin Summer Games envisioned bringing together a war-torn world in peaceful athletic competition. That happened, but already the winds of war were…
After atomic bombs effectively ended World War II, the next global conflict might have wiped out the planet. U.S. strategic readiness in the air was a big reason why an all-out…
The landing of Canadian troops on Juno Beach went smoothly, with virtually no resistance. But their advance on the German stronghold at Caen tested their mettle and proved their…
The U.S. Navy took some innovative steps in vessel selection and tactics to disrupt the supply lines of the North Vietnamese and Viet Cong during the Vietnam War – and later…
Marilyn Monroe, Hollywood icon and sex symbol, captivated everyone from her fans to a president. But beneath her incandescent sparkle lay hidden hurt and trauma. Gay men…
Legend has it that St. Patrick, patron saint of Ireland, banished snakes from the Emerald Isle 1,600 years ago – one of many reasons St. Patrick’s Day is celebrated around the…
Before Marconi brought his inventive genius to the problem, communication over long distances was tethered to wires strung from one point to another. His wireless telegraphy…
Joséphine ascended from obscurity as a child on Martinique to become the empress of France. Much of her historical fame derives from being Napoleon’s wife, but Joséphine was a…
For decades, the governments of Canada and the United States collaborated with Christian religious authorities to “civilize” Indigenous children forced to attend boarding schools.…
Both abolitionists and slaveholders agreed on the wording of the U.S. Constitution in 1787, but it came at a price. As the compromises in that foundational document became…
The myth that exposure to LGBTQ+ themes in books threatens children and society is a pernicious belief shared by medieval and contemporary censors of queer texts. Both eras…
William Shakespeare is known as one of the greatest playwrights in history. Many lines from his works have seeped into our daily lives, but we don’t know their source. Take a tour…
John Lennon faced immense government pushback in the early 1970s for his political activism. The FBI, the CIA, and the INS all teamed up to neutralize his public voice by getting…
Despite – or because of – their great celebrity, the Beatles were sometimes the target of criminal investigations. They were arrested and fined, and Paul McCartney was even…
With dogged investigation and scientific advances, more is now clear about Leonardo’s Mona Lisa. From the identity of the subject to the techniques used to capture her, we have…
The morning of September 11, 2001, was beautiful in New York City and Washington, DC, but it turned unspeakably tragic when airliners hijacked by terrorists crashed into their…
Chicago’s 1968 Democratic National Convention saw protesters face off against enraged police officers outside while the official delegates fought brutal political battles inside.…
Health insurance is a complicated (and touchy) subject. Lots of people have strong opinions about how healthcare should be covered, but just as many of us don’t know much about…
Since 1946, the National School Lunch Program has provided free or low-cost lunches to American students who could not otherwise afford a healthy, nutritionally balanced midday…
Since life first appeared on Earth billions of years ago, many species have disappeared into extinction, leaving only fossil traces. A few of them, though, have made a surprising…
Human activities have only recently been considered catalysts of seismic activity. If humans are not careful, our methods of extracting natural resources and our growing…
Plastic recycling is a waste of energy, resources, and, especially, vision. For every pound of plastic that is successfully recycled, between 90 and 95 pounds of pernicious…
Forecasts for the 2024 hurricane season indicate that tropical cyclone activity is likely to be extraordinary during the coming months. What are the experts predicting? And what…
Fire ants are common in warm, sunny regions around the world. Their stings can be terribly painful and debilitating, and their ravenous behavior often wreaks havoc on agriculture…
Many non-human animals exhibit fascinating behaviors and even striking hallmarks of intelligence. Sure, humans have accomplished a lot, but the rest of the animal kingdom can do…
Feathers, beaks, and small sizes are all significant adaptations some early dinosaurs developed that allowed those creatures to survive mass extinction events in Earth’s history.…
Docile and adorable, manatees move through shallow coastal waters and rivers in search of their favorite food – seagrass. Here’s why that essential source of sustenance is…
Perfume is easy to write off as frivolous or overwhelming, calling to mind thoughts of department store counters, surreal ads, or even your grandmother. In fact, both perfumery…
Lunch hasn’t always been the midday break we know today. While a meal during peak daylight hours is now quite common, the cultural and social weight of lunch has come about…
Sleep is crucial to a healthy lifestyle. But many of us have little understanding of why it’s so important – and even what it is! Here, we investigate the scientific findings that…
The benefits of a good night’s rest include improved memory, resolution of emotional issues, and recovery from physical exertion. When you awaken, you might find you’re better…