Space Smash
The nightmare dramatized in the movie “Gravity” is a sad reality: fragments of missiles or satellites in orbit that threaten our satellites and spacecraft. The amount of debris in space has risen dramatically over the past two decades, causing damage and explosions. All those involved in the conquest of space are now forced to monitor the clouds of waste constantly and to divert their working satellites in case of emergency. Many satellites have been all but forgotten and will inevitably collide with others that are crucial to modern living. It's high time we cleaned up our space mess.
The nightmare dramatized in the movie “Gravity” is a sad reality: fragments of missiles or satellites in orbit that threaten our satellites and spacecraft. The amount of debris in space has risen dramatically over the past two decades, causing damage and explosions. All those involved in the conquest of space are now forced to monitor the clouds of waste constantly and to divert their working satellites in case of emergency. Many satellites have been all but forgotten and will inevitably collide with others that are crucial to modern living. It's high time we cleaned up our space mess.
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