Planet Hunting with the James Webb Space Telescope
Modern space telescopes, enhanced by Artificial Intelligence, hold the potential to explore over 5,000 planets orbiting distant stars. Among the burning questions are these: Do any of these alien worlds support life? How common are living creatures in the cosmos? Unravel the mysteries using sensitive infrared detectors and the Webb Telescope, observing atmospheres near our Sun and discerning details from 50 million years after the universe's inception.
Modern space telescopes, enhanced by Artificial Intelligence, hold the potential to explore over 5,000 planets orbiting distant stars. Among the burning questions are these: Do any of these alien worlds support life? How common are living creatures in the cosmos? Unravel the mysteries using sensitive infrared detectors and the Webb Telescope, observing atmospheres near our Sun and discerning details from 50 million years after the universe's inception.
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