Screen Generation
Smartphones, computers, gaming consoles, and digital tablets are now givens in our daily lives. The electronic intrusion is causing controversy and collective hysteria. Are we damaging our brains with all these screens? How will unprecedented exposure to screens impact humanity? To find out, the filmmakers examine how science has been applied to distinguish between truth and falsehoods, and explore the suspected side effects of screen exposure. The documentary travels through the U.S. and Europe to meet and speak to researchers who are leaders in this field.
Smartphones, computers, gaming consoles, and digital tablets are now givens in our daily lives. The electronic intrusion is causing controversy and collective hysteria. Are we damaging our brains with all these screens? How will unprecedented exposure to screens impact humanity? To find out, the filmmakers examine how science has been applied to distinguish between truth and falsehoods, and explore the suspected side effects of screen exposure. The documentary travels through the U.S. and Europe to meet and speak to researchers who are leaders in this field.
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