Iran: Secret Nuclear Battle
Will the Islamic Republic of Iran succeed in building a nuclear bomb? Yes. Within a year, according to the People's Mujahedin. Will the West manage to stop Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's regime before it does? For fifteen years now, secret networks have been busy helping Iran build its bomb. In Pakistan and Switzerland, channels have been set up to deliver the necessary material. Meanwhile, secret services in the US and Israel are doing everything possible to hinder its production. This documentary goes behind the scenes of this geopolitical thriller, whose actors are ready to reveal all the dirty tricks and battle stories of their shadow war.
Will the Islamic Republic of Iran succeed in building a nuclear bomb? Yes. Within a year, according to the People's Mujahedin. Will the West manage to stop Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's regime before it does? For fifteen years now, secret networks have been busy helping Iran build its bomb. In Pakistan and Switzerland, channels have been set up to deliver the necessary material. Meanwhile, secret services in the US and Israel are doing everything possible to hinder its production. This documentary goes behind the scenes of this geopolitical thriller, whose actors are ready to reveal all the dirty tricks and battle stories of their shadow war.
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